Map showing how the world would look if Pangea still existed

When it comes to how our world has become the way we know it, and how humanity has evolved since prehistoric times, it is impossible not to recall Pangea. This supercontinent, formed 335 million years ago, began to slowly collapse about 175 million years ago, eventually becoming the continents known to us.

Some researchers became interested in what the world would look like and which countries would adjoin each other if Pangea existed until now. Having asked such a question, Massimo Pietrobon created the Pangea Politica, a conceptual map showing where modern countries would be located on Pangea.

So, in the world of Pietrobon, the USA is tightly pressed against Russia, and Africa is bypassing all in size. The neighborhood of the Americas, Antarctica, Europe and the Middle East only further emphasizes the impressive size of the African continent. The result was an incredibly interesting and fascinating map!

Watch the video: What if Pangea Still Existed? (September 2024).

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