84 sculptures dedicated to the problem of male suicides appeared on a London building

Last week, passers-by in central London witnessed a shocking sight: 84 people stood on the edge of the ITV studio building, as if about to jump and commit suicide. Despite the fact that everything looked very realistic, these figures were not living people. These very similar “real people” were made by artist Mark Jenkins as part of a project called Project 84, a campaign aimed at raising awareness of male suicides in the UK.

According to the CALM charity, suicide is one of the leading causes of death for men under 40 in the UK. The organization created Project 84 to highlight horrific statistics: on average, 84 men commit suicide on a weekly basis in a country. Each of the figures located on the building symbolizes a real person who committed suicide. The stories of these men were told by their families and friends, and are also described on Project 84.

CALM seeks to change the situation in the state regarding men and mental illness. They want to not only help families who have lost a loved one, but also make the government take the initiative. Despite troubling statistics, there are no people in the UK government responsible for preventing suicide.

Watch the video: 84 Statues Appeared On A Rooftop In London, And The Story Behind Them Is Heartbreaking (June 2024).

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