Where everyone goes: a list of the most popular countries where many seek to relocate

The main reason for the migration of the world's population are attempts to improve material well-being. Some countries have such an incredible appeal that the proportion of migrants, people born outside the country, there is up to 70-80%. So, let's see where people are striving for a better life and in which countries the majority of visitors live.


No wonder the United States is called a country of migrants. This is not the first year they have been in first place in the number of migrants, and their number is growing every year. According to 2016, the number of migrants in the country's population was 43.7 million people, or more than 13% of the country's population. The largest number of immigrants comes from Mexico and other countries of Central and South America. In second place are the countries of Asia, primarily China. The influx of people from Europe and Africa is not so significant.


The second place in the number of new arrivals is firmly held by Germany. Here, the share of migrants in the country's population is just over 12 million people, or almost 15% (according to data for 2015). This is the most economically developed country in Europe, therefore, citizens from other states come here in the hope of improving their financial situation. Mostly citizens of Turkey, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Italy, other countries of Europe and the Middle East come here. Quite a lot here come from Russia and Kazakhstan, with German roots.


In third place in popularity among migrants is Russia. Citizens of the CIS countries, such as Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and others, traditionally move to our country. The total number of immigrants in the population of our country is more than 11 million people, or about 8% of the country's population (as of 2015).

Oil producing countries of the Middle East

The countries most attractive for moving include the richest countries in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar. They come here primarily from India, China, the less prosperous countries of the Middle East and the African continent. In these countries, the world's highest share of migrants in the country's population. For example, in the UAE this indicator reaches 88%, in Kuwait - up to 73%, and the share of migrants in the population of Saudi Arabia exceeds 30%.


Another center of attraction for migrants is Australia. There are many migrants from Southeast Asia, especially from China, India, Vietnam, and the Philippines. But the predominant number of migrants are immigrants from the English-speaking Great Britain and New Zealand, of whom there are more than 1.5 million. In total, the number of migrants in the country's population is more than 6 million people.

From other countries of the world in which the number of migrants is highest, one can mention Canada, Great Britain, France, Spain and Italy.

Watch the video: 10 Countries Where You Can Start A New Life (September 2024).

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