Photographer captures a rare sight - Faroe Islands covered in snow

The German photographer Felix Inden has been fascinated by the Faroe Islands since his first visit here several years ago. And no wonder: this natural paradise is becoming an increasingly popular destination for photographers from around the world. In his recent trip, Inden sought to capture the stunning beauty of these places before they are swept by a frantic stream of tourists.

To get unique shots, the German dreamed of photographing islands covered in snow. The fact is that catching snow on the islands is not easy, it quickly rinses off with rain. "I was so glad I was lucky with the weathersays Inden. There was so much snow that many roads were blocked, and I had a lot of time to re-explore the islands, which looked completely different than usual. From time to time it was insanely difficult to photograph, but this difficult experience is what really fuels my creativity and passion for photography. ".

A week later, winter weather left the islands and Inden was able to complete his new series of photographs with pictures that seemed to depict a completely different season. It is this extreme weather that intrigues and attracts the photographer, and it was she who was demonstrated in his latest atmospheric photographs. Here, the mysterious and dreamy Faroe Islands look as if they have come down from the pages of a fairy tale.

"I hope that in these pictures, viewers will be able to see the beauty of mother nature when she shows her gloomy appearance. The world is so big and beautiful, go out and look for yourself in it!"

Watch the video: A Photographers View Of Iceland (September 2024).

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