Water Seer: a device that makes it easy to extract water from the air

Despite all the efforts of international and charitable organizations, in many countries of Africa and Asia with a high population density there are still people who do not have constant access to quality drinking water. Partly this picture is associated with a low standard of living in these countries, and partly with the instability of the climate, which leads to prolonged droughts. For this reason, engineers from different countries regularly offer interesting solutions to the water problem in developing countries. And here is another device called Water Seer, which allows you to literally make water from the air.

This is an international product of several engineering teams, which has successfully passed field tests. The principle of operation of this installation is based on the fact that air almost always contains water vapor, of course, if we are not talking about Sahara air on a clear day, when humidity tends to zero. Well, then the engineers proposed to use the temperature difference to stimulate the formation of condensate, thus obtaining clean water.

The lower part of the Water Seer is located underground, and the upper is equipped with a wind turbine. The blades, rotating, draw the air down, thereby causing it to gradually cool down, since the lower part of the device is located at a depth of about 2 meters. Underground is much cooler than on the surface in an arid climate. For this reason, condensation forms on the walls of the vessel, which flows down. Water generated from the air can be pumped out using a simple hand pump. As the developers promise, one such installation is capable of producing about 40 liters of pure drinking water per day.

Watch the video: DIY Atmospheric Water Generator! - ProducesExtracts Distilled Water from the air! - DIY distiller (September 2024).

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