The case of the princes: who killed the saints Boris and Gleb

The power struggle has always been. After the death of July 15, 1015, Prince Vladimir of Kiev, a confrontation ensued between his sons. On the way to the funeral, his sons were killed by the unknown "Bulgarian" Boris and Gleb. They returned from a military attack against the Pechenegs and have already recognized their other brother Svyatopolk as the Kiev prince. Svyatoslav Vladimirovich, sensing the evil, fled to the Czech Republic, but was overtaken and killed.

How many children exactly Vladimir had was not known. He had several wives and about 800 concubines. Then they did not consider daughters, there were thirteen sons. Active participants in the struggle for power were Yaroslav (future "Wise") and Svyatopolk (future "Cursed"). These two participants are the main suspects in the murder of the brothers.


"Svyatopolk the Cursed." V. Sheremetyev, 1867

Yaroslav the Wise

Yaroslav the Wise on a Ukrainian banknote, 2004.

The son of Prince Vladimir from Princess Rogneda. He was born in 978. He ruled in Rostov, was second in line for the throne. He joined the power struggle as soon as he received news of his father’s departure. He considered his right to the throne lawful, since Vladimir put him on the reign in Novgorod. This gave a special status. Above Novgorod was only the Kiev table. In 1014, he refused to pay tribute to Kiev.

Historians suggest that this is due to the fact that Yaroslav learned about the preferences of Prince Vladimir to brother Boris. That was the reason for the rebellion against his father. Yaroslav received a letter from the sister of Predslava about the death of his father and entered into disputes for the throne.

Prince Boris could be objectionable to one candidate or another.

"The assassination of St. Prince Boris." 2015 icon

"Tale of Bygone Years" by the liquidator of Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav indicates Svyatopolk. Having occupied Kiev, he allegedly invited the brothers. They swear allegiance to him, but the villain still kills them. In this case, the first attempt does not succeed. Boris is first wounded, the servant's head is chopped off. But the crime ends, according to the chronicler, the Vikings. This is an important detail. Gleb was eliminated on the way to Kiev by his cook.

"The murder of St. Prince Gleb." 2015 icon

Having learned about such matters, Svyatoslav is trying to escape unsuccessfully. He is being killed on the road. This is the official version. Svyatopolk gets the nickname "Cursed", Yaroslav - a good hero.

For historians, this interpretation raises many questions. The most important of them: why should Svyatopolk destroy the faithful Boris and Gleb? The young prince needed allies inside his relatives.

In addition, Svyatopolk does not trace a connection with the Vikings. But Yaroslav has it. In the "Saga of Eymund," written in the 14th century, it tells of actions in Kievan Rus of the 11th century. Konung Eymund, was in the service of King Yaritslev. Eymund participated in the feud between the heirs of King Voldemar and made good money on the murder of King Borisleyf.

The coincidence of the names and the scene opaque hints at the participation in the assassination of the brothers of Prince Yaroslav. In 1061, Yaroslav destroys Svyatopolk and occupies Kiev.

Watch the video: The Life And Death Of Yaroslav II of Vladimir (September 2024).

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