500 million bees died in Brazil in three months

Bees play a crucial role in the reproduction of various plants, they are one of the most significant pollinating insects in nature. According to researchers, these hardworking tiny creatures take part in pollination of 2/3 of the crop on the entire planet. However, now the plant world is in serious danger: the bees are rapidly dying. Distant Brazil in 3 months lost more than five hundred million bees. These terrifying trends challenge the future of the food industry.

This data was collected from December 2018 to February 2019.

One of the leaders of the association of beekeepers in Brazil said that within two days, thousands of bees in his own farm died as a result of the disease. Researchers blame the use of pesticides for the mass death of honey insects. The fact is that a few months ago, Brazilian authorities approved the use of almost three hundred new types of pesticides. In dead bees, experts found traces of insecticides used to get rid of ticks and fleas.

In addition, American scientists consider the pesticide found in bees to be a carcinogen for humans. Environmental experts sound the alarm, they say that the planet is poisoned and humanity has already begun to pay for its thoughtless and greedy actions.

Watch the video: Why 500 million bees have died in Brazil in three months (May 2024).

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