6 studios of famous artists that can be visited today

There are many options to get acquainted with the life and work of famous masters of brush and canvas. The most understandable and popular of them - the study of the work of painters and familiarity with their work in galleries. But nevertheless, a visit to his workspace gives the most profound understanding of the artist’s personality and creative path.

Exploring the artists' studios, you can accurately grasp their creative aura, realize their approach to art and see with your own eyes what the great painters lived. The way they arranged their work tools, where they placed the table and the easel, with what details and decor they decorated the space, helps to best present the ordinary day in the life of the legendary master.

Alas, most of the workshops of the greatest artists have either not survived to this day, or exist behind closed doors and are not accessible to the general public. However, several such spaces remained not only accessible to the public, but also preserved in their original form. Today we talk about the working studios of great artists, which you can visit to this day.

Frida Kahlo, Casa Azul

La Casa Azul ("Blue House") was built at the beginning of the last century by the father of Frida Kahlo. The great daughter of Mexico has become a legend living here. Then she wrote her main masterpieces. Today, visitors to the house that has become a museum can explore its green courtyard and bright rooms, among which is the working space of Kalo, located on the second floor. In addition to the original furniture and working tools of the artist, even a wheelchair belonging to the great Frida was preserved here.

Atelier Paul Cezanne

French post-impressionist Paul Cezanne was inspired by his place of birth Aix-en-Provence. In 1902, he bought a rural house in the forest here and turned it into a studio bathed in sunlight. Here were created the most amazing of his work. Today, tourists can visit this wonderful refuge of a cult artist and touch its original design.

Barbara Hepworth Coastal Home

The house in which the famous English painter and sculptor lived and worked in the middle of the last century is now transformed into her museum. Most of the interiors and decorations in the garden are preserved in their original form, including Hepworth paints, shelves, tools and personal items.

Joint Studio Lee Krasner and Jackson Pollock

In the middle of the last century, expressionist and collage maker Lee Krasner married artist Jackson Pollock. Shortly after the wedding, the couple acquired the so-called Pollock-Krasner House today, a charming timber-framed home on Long Island. For many years, Pollock worked in a shed next to the house, and his wife used their bedroom as a workspace. After the death of Pollock in 1956, Krasner began to create in the same barn. Today, visitors can see the studio in the barn in the form in which it was left by the artist - with the floor splattered with paint, and a creative mess around.

Claude Monet's home studio

Auguste Rodin Country Studio

This space, located in Medon, is not a working studio, but an antique workshop of the artist. Rodin used it to demonstrate his ancient and medieval marble, which was prepared by the sculptor as if he were in the process of processing. Everywhere here you can see priceless antiques and magnificent home decoration.

Watch the video: Visiting Music Studio that Recorded Famous Artist! (September 2024).

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