Dinner in Heaven: The Most Unusual Restaurant

Dinner In The Sky project, translated as "Dinner in the Sky", was invented in Belgium and is a restaurant suspended at a height of 50 meters. Forbes magazine listed it as one of the ten most unusual restaurants. And deservedly so. Just imagine the sensations experienced by visitors sitting at the table of such a platform hanging in the air.

The motto of the Belgian company, the author of the Dinner In The Sky project, is "safety and exclusivity."

To raise the restaurant platform to a height of 50 meters, a crane is used.

All guests are wearing seat belts. The table is designed for 22 people, and in the center there is a staff and a cook.

Restaurant-platform in Brussels.

According to the rules, visitors must be at least 18 years old and reach a minimum height of 150 centimeters. There are no restrictions on clothes, but it should be borne in mind that at altitude it can be somewhat cooler and the wind stronger.

People have dinner in Amiens, in France.

Restaurant in Barcelona.

The project is gaining popularity from year to year and conquers more and more countries.

As for prices, for example, in Tallinn, a dinner for one will cost about 110 euros, and if you want to occupy the whole table, it will cost around 2300 euros. In time, dinner in heaven takes one hour.

Dinner over night Budapest.

You can organize in heaven not only dinner, but also a business meeting or presentation. The project does not limit the imagination of the customer.

Also, at your request, you can raise another platform to the sky where musicians or, for example, a car, if this is his presentation, will be placed.

Of course, such a restaurant is more suitable not just for those who are hungry, but rather for extreme people or lovers of everything unusual.

Dinner spent here will be truly unforgettable. An exclusive atmosphere, dishes prepared by the best chefs, and magnificent views from a height - all this makes an indelible impression.

Dinner In The Sky in Jaffa, Israel.

A stunning dinner in the night sky of Paris, against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower.

Watch the video: THAI FOOD HEAVEN in Chiang Mai, Thailand! What you SHOULD be eating in Thailand. (June 2024).

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