Scientists have modeled the occurrence of the Earth’s magnetic field

Science has long determined that the Earth is a huge magnet. And, like any magnet, it has a magnetic field. Recently, French scientists were able to simulate the formation and distribution of the Earth's magnetic field vectors, showing the result in a bewitching video.

Salvation from the Sun

The Earth’s magnetic field is a physical phenomenon that essentially saves our planet’s atmosphere from the sun. The solar wind is a powerful stream of particles that the corona of the sun emits at a speed of 300-1200 km / s. It affects the auroras and magnetic storms of all the planets of the solar system that have a magnetic field, including the Earth.

In the photo: Solar wind flows around the Earth’s magnetosphere

Thanks to the magnetic properties of the third planet, the solar wind smoothly "flows" around it, which allows you to save life on Earth.

"Dynamo machine"

It sounds pretty boring, but when all these complex processes are visualized, it's impossible to take your eyes off them!

French scientists from the L'Institut des sciences de la Terre have modeled the formation and propagation of the Earth's magnetic field vectors. In this video, the Earth is “cut” along the equator. The white center is the core, and the most beautiful twists are magnetic waves, which turn our planet into a magnet.

Watch the video: Exploring Extremes of Earth's Magnetic Field - Perspectives on Ocean Science (September 2024).

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