An amazing couple who have lived together for more than 70 years after the Holocaust

When 23-year-old John Mackay saved 20-year-old Edith Steiner from Auschwitz in 1944, no one would have thought that they would spend the rest of their lives together.

John once fled the Italian prisoner of war camp in Tobruk, Libya. He was part of the Scottish division of the commandos and as part of it freed Edith and many others from the hell of the concentration camp. Edith Steiner lived in constant threat of execution. She was in the camp during the time of Joseph Mengele, known as the "Angel of Death," the notorious SS officer and doctor who became "famous" for his sadistic experiments. During the Holocaust, Edith lost 39 family members. Only she and her mother managed to survive.

During the liberation dances, John asked a friend to ask Edith if she would dance with him. The girl sent a friend back, saying that she would accept the invitation only from John himself. Gathering the courage, Mackay personally invited Steiner to go to the dance floor. That dance was the beginning of a delightful love story that lasted more than 70 years.

They married July 17, 1946 and, upon returning to Scotland, became owners of the Atholl Arms Hotel in Pitlochry. Later they had two children. The couple became famous all over the world at the beginning of this year, after the celebration of the 71st joint Valentine's Day. But more recently, 3 weeks before the wedding anniversary, Edith, unfortunately, left this world.

And although Edith Steiner is no longer with us, her amazing story with her husband will live forever, as a touching reminder of what true love is.

Watch the video: Auschwitz survivors reunited 70 years on (September 2024).

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