13 strange things discovered by Google Maps and raised a lot of questions

If you arm yourself with patience, attentiveness and determination, you can easily find interesting places around the world without leaving your home. All you need is Google Maps and a little imagination to be able to somehow explain to yourself what you see on some frames. Just look at what the network users managed to find!

Coca-Cola in the mountains of Chile

More than 30 years ago, Coca-Cola created a huge logo in the Chilean mountains of tens of thousands of branded bottles.

Strange pyramid in the middle of Antarctica

There are two main versions of the origin of the pyramid. Some believe that this is the work of an unknown ancient civilization, others - the legendary Atlantis. The truth, alas, has not yet been established.

Cruise ship in the middle of skyscrapers

In fact, this is what a shopping center in Hong Kong looks like.

Footprint of the Giant

This interesting shape was given to the longest labyrinth (115 m) in England.

Gulliver tied to the roof of the building

Incredibly cool and amazing playground in Valencia.

A tool of revenge on an ugly neighbor

The neighbors fell into pieces, but one of them turned out to be more original and mowed down the word "asshole" on its territory with an arrow pointing to the enemy’s house.

Giant alien cat

They say that this drawing is at least 9,000 years old. It is located in the driest place in the world, the Atacama Desert.

A huge collection of aircraft from different eras

This is how the open air museum near the airport of Belgrade looks from the air.

Salt factory similar to an art object

Village in Niger.

Giant Turkish flag in Cyprus.

A half-kilometer flag and the words of one of the Turkish presidents are nearby: "Happy is he who can call himself a Turk!"

Alien ship

Local attraction in Texas.

What Separated Antarctica from South America

This photo has raised many questions and assumptions. Some people think that it depicts a trace from a meteorite that separated two continents.

Giant waving man in Australia

This pontoon for children in an amusement park can be seen even from space.

Watch the video: 7 Strange Things Found Washed Ashore (September 2024).

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