Chinese boy walked 5 km to school in 9-degree frost

The other day, the network stirred the news of an 8-year-old Chinese boy who, at 9 degrees below zero, walked almost 5 km to his Zhuangshanbao elementary school in Xinjie village in Yunnan province. The child has come this terrifying way to pass the exam. After the post about him became viral, people began to go to school to contribute to improving the learning environment for the boy and other children.

Fu Han, the principal of the elementary school, could not believe his eyes when he saw a student with icicles instead of hair and eyebrows and cheeks bright red from frost. A man took a picture of a little boy, marking the beginning of this crazy story. The network called him “Ice Boy,” and the school soon received $ 15,000 in donations, 20 heating appliances, and 144 sets of warm clothes.

“That was the first day of their final exams,” says Han. “In the morning, the temperature dropped to -9 degrees in 30 minutes.” The director says that the child lives far from school, and in the classroom he is considered a "clown", because he constantly finds ways to make his 16 classmates tear their stomachs with laughter. The saddest and most absurd thing is that a child who maintains a positive mood in the classroom and constantly has fun all lives in extreme poverty and spends most of his time with his sister and grandmother.

Each of us at least once tried to avoid exams at school, but this boy did the opposite.

He walked 5 km in a 9-degree frost so as not to miss the test.

The teacher said that the school does not even have heaters to help children warm up after such a path.

The boy lives far from school, in a small village with his sister and grandmother.

He lives in terrible conditions, but believes that his life will be better if he gets an education.

Watch the video: Little Boy Walks Kilometers in -9C to Get to School (April 2024).

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