Datsan "Rinpoche Bagsha" is now my favorite place in Ulan-Ude

I knew about the datsan on Lysaya Gora for a long time, but there was no particular desire to visit him. Why? I don’t even know ... I was in Ivolginsky datsan, and no other datsan can compete with him, especially if he is very close. So I thought. But the turkey also thought.

Therefore, every year for about 5-6 years I visited the Ethnographic Museum. I still love this place, but not the same as before.

In fact, I wanted to see something new, but the museum will not go anywhere. Before going to datsan, I read a lot of reviews and looked at a bunch of photos. Interesting, but not hooked. In addition, the datsan is completely new (built in 2000), which means that there is no history. Therefore, I thought that a maximum of half an hour could be spent on it. As a result, she spent 2 hours there and left almost with tears in her eyes.

The territory of the datsan is a huge complex, which, in addition to the datsan itself, also includes a viewing point to the city, an incredible park, many gazebos, each of which is unique, because devoted to some animal on the eastern calendar, many interesting sculptures (even two buuze sculptures), a Japanese rock garden, stupas, the largest store of goods with Buddhist themes, from those where I was and places that I have not reached.

I had to cut it alive and reduce the number of photos, otherwise they would not even fit into one post.

If compared with the Ivolginsky datsan, then this is a place of a more "wide profile", I don’t know how to express myself. For example, it’s hard for me to imagine that you can come to the Ivolginsky datsan to read a book or drink tea in the gazebo, but here everything has this to do. At the same time, the place is very quiet and calm.

One of the buoes.

Here is what you can see on the territory.

These adorable creatures are a boy and a girl. So that no one confused, the floor of the creatures is shown very naturally.

It’s a pity that I didn’t take it with me.

I really liked the animal figures of the eastern calendar.

A few photos from the rock garden.

Watch the video: Datsan go + test drive (September 2024).

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