The first 360-degree panoramic pool will be built in London

What could be better than swimming in a pool that offers breathtaking views? Only swimming in the pool, located at the top of a 55-story skyscraper, around which lies the stunning London! And soon this pleasure will become available to everyone who wants to experience truly indescribable emotions and enjoy the London landscapes from a height of more than two hundred meters.

Recently, one of the British architectural companies presented its new project, which ideally fits the description of "dizzying." On the roof of one of the skyscrapers in the capital of Great Britain, they are going to establish a pool of cast acrylic. Material for the construction was selected with particular care. The fact is that molten acrylic has the same wavelength as water, so the pool from it will look completely transparent, and from afar it will seem that vacationers are floating in the air.

In addition to the unusual material, there will be something completely unique in the pool - this is the entrance. According to the creators, to swim over London, you will have to go through a rotating spiral staircase, made on the basis of the entrance to the submarine.

In addition, a special technology developed by the company's engineers will not allow even a strong wind to splash water from the pool outside of it into the street. A special computer program will continuously monitor the temperature of the water.

The authors of the project also made sure that their creation had a stunning appearance: at night, a skyscraper with a pool will resemble a fabulous tower with sparkling and iridescent at the top gems.

Watch the video: World's First 360-degree Rooftop Infinity Pool Puzzles Netizens! (September 2024).

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