10 amazing photos: how children around the world spent their summers away from technology

Child Photo Competition is an international photo community dedicated to the discovery and promotion of the most talented children's photographers from around the world. Themed competitions are regularly held here for free to enable new photographers to show their talent and show us the magic and charm of children's photography.

This summer, the community asked photographers from around the world to capture the children who spent their summers away from the world of electronic gadgets, and then send their work to the SUMMER UNPLUGGED contest.

And although in the digital age this kind of photography may seem strange, the following shots are excellent proof that children do not need smartphones to have fun and have a good time. See how they can enjoy the brightest and most joyful season of the year.

Winner - Marcia Fernandez, Brazil

Alicia Uniku, USA

Alexandra Eremeevskaya, Russia

Alsu Skvortsova, Russia

Mariola Hart, UK

Olga Bernhard, Germany

Curly Sosi, Estonia

Anna Kazakova, Russia

Tara Herron, USA

Severin Galyu, France

Watch the video: Top 10 Events That Could Wipe Out Humanity (September 2024).

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