The shocking customs of the Papuan tribe: 5 pictures that are hard to forget

Each nation and tribe has its own original and unusual traditions that are difficult to understand for others. But the customs of some peoples are so dumbfounding and amazing that one cannot but tell about them. Such a tribe, of course, is the Papuan tribe. What they perceive as commonplace and familiar affairs, it seems to us a real savagery. But first things first.

Papuans express deep reverence for the leaders of the tribe by mummifying their dead bodies. The deceased leaders are not buried, but simply left in their huts. Some of these mummies are already 200-300 years old.

The largest Papuan tribe in eastern New Guinea was once known because of cannibalism that flourished there. Now it is generally accepted that this terrifying tradition is behind. But still, some facts indicate that representatives of the tribe from time to time dismember people for magical rituals.

Papuans who live in the mountains of New Guinea have a very unusual accessory that plays the role of cowards. It is made from local varieties of pumpkin and is designed to protect the genitals of men.

Previously, women of the Papuan tribe cut off their fingers when one of their closest relatives died. Today you can still see old women without the phalanges of their fingers.

As a rule, the groom here pays for the bride with pigs. The girl's family is obliged to take care of the pigs in the best way, so sometimes the bride even has to feed the piglets with her own breast milk. Although for the Papuan woman this is not at all strange, because she can attach almost any animal to her breast if necessary.

Most of the housework in the Papuan tribes is carried out by women. Even the last months of pregnancy are not considered an excuse for not chopping wood or harvesting.

Watch the video: African Cow Sacrifice!!! Rare Tradition Feeds Hundreds! (September 2024).

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