10 honest travel posters that show the whole truth about the country

The Belgian artist, working under the pseudonym Monk HF, created a series of interesting travel posters. The creation of such a project was inspired by the illustration of Franz Kraus entitled “Visit to Palestine” in 1936. The Belgian decided to make posters in the same style, but with a different connotation. Thus, the works of Monk HF are not intended to draw people's attention to a particular country and attract tourists to it. He calls the goal of his creations a reflection of the real, true and actual situation in a particular corner of the globe: environmental pollution, migration, wars, etc. The essence of the posters is to demonstrate the most acute and important problems that a country suffers from today.

Enjoy rio

Visit Borneo

Visit Faroe Islands

Visit Bangkok

Visit Calcutta

Visit Male, Maldives

Visit Phuket

Visit Baghdad

Visit Rio

Visit Lesbos

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