Why does a rock musician introduce snake venom to himself for 25 years

Stephen Ladwin is a famous American rock musician who currently lives in London. In addition to music, he has another hobby, a very dangerous one. For 25 years, he has been conducting unusual experiments with snake venom.

Since childhood, Stephen was fond of serpentology - the science of snakes. He even worked as a caretaker for some time in a serpentarium in Miami. There he met with one very interesting person - Bill Haast. He became famous for being bitten by various snakes more than 170 times, but at the same time he remained alive and felt excellent.

And Stephen Ladwin decided on an unusual experiment. Once a week, he injected himself with diluted snake venom. Each time, he slightly increased the dosage of the poison, accustoming himself to high concentrations. For 25 years since the beginning of the experiment, he "tried" the poison of more than 35 species of snakes. After some injections, he had to call a team of doctors, several times he went to the hospital. According to the musician himself, he even likes some poisons. For example, the cobra venom acts on Stephen as a stimulant: he feels better, he becomes vigorous and full of strength.

But why is he doing all this? It turns out that in such an unusual way the rock musician decided to show that regular use of snake venom improves the human immunity and contributes to a longer life.

Scientists are interested in a unique case. Danish researchers from the University of Copenhagen comprehensively examined Stephen Ladwin's body and did not find any abnormalities in his state of health. Many antibodies to various poisons were found in the blood of a snake lover, which, in fact, did not surprise scientists. He also found genes encoding these antibodies.

Today, Stephen Ladwin is of great value to professionals working in the field of creating antidotes. The traditional method of obtaining such drugs is based on the following model: small doses of snake venom are administered to horses or other large animals, and subsequently the antibodies formed are isolated from their blood. Using Steve’s material, scientists hope to obtain antibodies created directly by humans, which, of course, should be more effective.

According to researchers, the fact that Stephen is still alive is just a miracle, because he could die hundreds of times. In addition to the deadly threat, regular contact with snake venoms can lead to kidney disease, as well as general intoxication of the body. Of course, Stephen Ladwin himself warns everyone against repeating such experiments with poisons, although he himself, apparently, does not intend to interrupt his deadly experiment.

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