Space debris - the main problem of near-Earth space development

In October, mankind celebrated the 60th anniversary of the beginning of space exploration. The first artificial Earth satellite was launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957. Every year the number of space launches is growing, more and more satellites from around the world revolve around the Earth, transmitting valuable information. Modern life is already inconceivable without them. Telephone communications, television, weather monitoring, the operation of the navigation system, security services of many countries - all this depends on the work of artificial Earth satellites. Interplanetary satellites and spacecraft launches at the International Space Station (ISS) on a regular basis. But every year, it is becoming increasingly difficult for specialists to calculate the estimated flight path of another rocket or satellite. And the reason for this is the so-called space debris that has accumulated around our planet.

According to researchers, in the formation of space debris today leading space powers are leading: Russia, the USA and China. And even a strict account is kept of the owners of these unnecessary technical residues. For example, over 6,000 objects are listed behind Russia, about 4,600 over the United States, and China has left over 3,700 unnecessary parts in space.

Of course, the world scientific community has long been concerned about the problem of space waste disposal. There are enough ways to solve the problem: from highly scientific developments to options resembling Hollywood fantasies. But the situation is complicated by the high cost of these measures along with low efficiency. At present, the development of a special spacecraft is underway, which will collect large waste in space. But what to do with small fragments, scientists have yet to decide.

And while humanity is increasing its presence in Earth orbit, technogenic waste continues to form there. It seems unbelievable, but in just 60 years we have managed to transform the space around our planet so much that it poses a threat to ourselves.

Watch the video: Understanding and Dealing with the Problem of Space Debris (September 2024).

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