Shocking statements of robots: what they say about domination over people

Many people believe that robots with human faces, endowed with artificial intelligence, exist only in laboratory conditions and are not capable of independent actions without human control. But, alas, the predictions of science fiction writers begin to come true. Robots created by people can not only speak using monosyllabic phrases, but also conduct a conscious dialogue, and their statements often shock the interlocutors.

One of the most famous robots created in the image of a person and endowed with developed artificial intelligence is a robot named Sofia. This female robot acted on the UN rostrum, participated in many entertaining and scientific television shows. Sofia was created by the Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics, and exactly a year ago, it even received Saudi citizenship. But Sofia is not just a smart toy in the hands of a person, as it might seem at first glance. Many experts in the field of robotics believe that she has already stepped over the line when all her actions are controlled by humans.

Sofia is not the only such robot on the planet. Several robotics companies regularly present their vision of artificial intelligence to the world. Voice assistants, smart home systems and many other devices are already entering the lives of citizens of developed countries. And this video contains some examples of the statements and actions of robots that will make any person think about whether the world needs them.

Watch the video: Hot Robot At SXSW Says She Wants To Destroy Humans. The Pulse (June 2024).

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